After winning the Canadian Client Consultation Competition, the team of Marina Guirguis and Rebecca Hall-McGuire from Osgoode Hall Law School of York University, coached by Nancy Henderson, went on to the Louis M. Brown and Forrest S. Mosten International Client Consultation Competition in Glasgow, Scotland. The International Competition includes teams from Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, China, England and Wales, Finland, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rico, Republic of Ireland, Russian Federation, Scotland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and the United States.
We are thrilled to announce that, after excellent performances in the preliminary, semi-final and final rounds, the Canadian Team placed first at the International Competition. This is a tremendous accomplishment by Team Canada. We are very proud of Marina, Rebecca and Nancy for all their hard work and dedication.
Congratulations to Ann Marina Guirguis and Rebecca Hall-McGuire of Osgoode Hall Law School of York University for placing first in the 2013 Canadian Client Consultation Competition. We wish them all the best in Glasgow, Scotland at the Louis M. Brown and Forrest S. Mosten International Client Consultation Competition in April.